May 1, 2007

Just a few more snapshots ......

This is a very talented band !
Yes, they make beautiful ( ??) music together ;)
Here's Ben playing his "drums" to an adoring Aly !
If Aly could talk right now, I think in this picture she would say something like, " Mom, step away from the camera more pictures today, ok ? "

This is daddy hugging a very tired young man ....

Ok, I'm easily amused but I like this picture, it kinda captures how little my angel tootsies really are. Here are her runners against mine ( she is a size 3 and I am a size 8)


4D said...

Those are great photos!!

Love the shoe one. I wear size 11 so our eventual shoe difference will be quite extreme.

Keep smilin!

Jill and Jaap said...

Great photos!

Anonymous said...

AHHHHHHHH....sweet photos,love to hear the band some day...i'm sure they sound

kitchu said...

Great pics, and that looks like a concert I would want to attend!

Ani said...

oh gosh - she has TINY feet!

great pics. tx for sharing.

Shirley said...

Kids are beautiful. I can't wait to get my photos of our new daughter on Monday. It is so exciting. Looking forward to following your blog..

Steffie B. said...

Wonderful pictures...beautiful family! ;)

Kristine said...

Your boys are gorgeous!! What a Mom - letting the kids play on your pots and pans!! Aly is sooo cute, love the "enough with the camera Mom" look. Your blog always makes me smile!!