All shined and polished and ready to start the day
Well, it's been 3 weeks and we are back in the swing of things here around our household.
Mornings can prove a bit challenging but we are managing .....:)
I wouldn't trade it for the world !!
It'll be a year (very soon) since we saw Miss Aly's face ....
Wow .....time has moved quickly for all of us.
The change in the weather, all of the fall colors and the bright orange pumpkins serve to remind us of that special time 1 year ago.
Diane, I saw a lady bug the other day and thought of you my blog friend are very close ......
Just think , your babe was asleep under that beautiful moon last week .......
Doesn't it make you feel great knowing that ??
Gosh, it'll be no time and you'll be saying ....." I can't believe that we've had Baby M for a year now " ......