March 16, 2008

It's getting close to that time of the year in which the spring bonnets surface, the weather starts to show signs of looking up, the kids are crazed on candy and that fella with the long ears pays yet another visit.

In preparation for the the big day, my two little Picasso's and I got to work and produced some stunning ....well .....let's just say some rather unique pieces of work :)

See for yourself ..... ( thank goodness for washable paint as no surface was safe!

Alyana's first official Easter egg ....not bad .....not bad at all !

This is Bugsy's .......

It's really good, isn't it ?

The big batch.

I won't tell you where mine are!


A Mom- In-W8ing said...

Oooh! Dying Easter eggs … so fun!

Looks like they both were having a “colourful” time!

Smiles! :o)

Jamie and Angela said...

Looks like so much fun! The eggs turned out great. I think we'll do ours tomorrow.

my3 kids said...

what beautiful eggs...looks like alot of fun. Have a Happy Easter


chad-roscoe said...

love the eggs! so glad to know yo can color brown eggs!
thanks for stopping by my blog. i am feeling better little by little. yes, we're at 2 years wait, and hope to be home from china sometime between 2 years 10 months and 3 years!