January 7, 2006

October 1st/2005

Gosh ....where does the time go?

We have been so busy with work, school and life that there is never enough time to get to this webpage.

I guess, we will start from the beginning:

We began to consider adopting from China in Jan/2005 and by Feb/2005 we had secured our first appt. with our social worker to complete our homestudy. This process took ++ time. We finally had that done in July and by August our dossier was sent off to China. It was logged into China on August 11th/2005.

Now the real waits begins ! We are trying to keep busy collecting baby items (we got rid of most of Ben's things just last summer !).

The nursery is almost done and we are taking one day at a time.

Ben, of course, remains involved with everything that we do and is really looking forward to his new sister (Alyana).

Will post again soon.

November 5th/2005

Well, one more month closer to Alyana and still no LID.

I guess it doesn't really matter when we actually find out a LID as we really don't have any control over the matter.We are just thankful that our paperwork is there.

Aly's room is done and we have been buying a few outfits here and there. It has been exciting reading the stories of other couples that are in China picking up their daughters right now on "Gotchaday Families" and "The Story of You".
It will be us before we know it!

We are all doing great. Ben has done superb job adjusting to school and really loves it. JP is enjoying his new job and I am enjoying mine. We are so busy that in all reality, the time is moving swiftly. We are getting close to Santa Claus's arrival and soon the tree will be up and the lights will be hung. I love this time of year and this time next year, our daughter will be here! Wow !

We have added a new member to our family since our last post. Today, Ben and I took a trip to the SPCA and brought home a little black kitten. We brought him home in a box, and because of this, Ben decided to call him Jack ( for Jack in a Box). Jack and Flecther are "getting to know one another" as I write this - it's not going well, and could be a long night!.

Hope to post some more pics of Ben in his Halloween costume in the next few days. He was a "dangerous pirate". Mommy had to carry his sword on Halloween night as he could not be pried away from his bag of Halloween candy. *hehe*. He is such a sweet tooth.

Will post again soon.

Andrea, Ben and JP

January 4th/2006

Happy New Year Everyone! We have had a wonderful Christmas and Santa was good to us. We wish we had some better news re. our adoption -we found out just before the holidays that yet again we can expect delays with the process. It looks like we might travel in October. Yikes!

Disappointing to say the least and confusing for Ben as he is wondering when and IF his little sister will get here. Let's hope time moves swiftly and we have her in our arms soon.

As for the 3 of us, we are doing well. Ben is learning to skate ( JP put in a skating rink in the back yard) and he is starting "gym and swim" next week. He is really excited.

School is going well and we have been practicing his reading skills. He is doing terrific. JP and I are very busy as well . I resume my paintng class in a few days and we are hoping to start curling with a league soon. I'm not very graceful on the ice, but hey ....I try.

JP's brother just came back from China and gave us a slide show on his travel there. It was beautiful. Many ,many, many wonderful sights and of course he took a few pics of some Chinese babies for us . Beautiful Girls !!! All is well here.

Will post again soon. Good things are coming our way in 2006!

JP, Andrea and Benjamin

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Where did you find it? Interesting read »