October 30, 2008

Last Friday Alyana and her China sisters ( and newest brother) got together for a Halloween party.
It has been awhile since we've all been together.
It was wonderful seeing everyone.
I just can't say that enough :)
Wow .....the kids sure have grown. They are all so special and amazingly beautiful.

Krista over at Parenting Cubed shared a terrific story with us (one in which has stayed with me since our last visit). I hope you don't mind me sharing it Krista :)

Krista said that over the past few weeks, her daughter Lily kept asking her when she was going to see "the girls" again ....

At first Krista said she didn't quite know who Lily was referring to and then when she finally asked her " Lily,what girls are you talking about?".

Lily reply was this .....

" the girls like me Mommy".

Neat, huh ?

When we get together on play dates, the kids generally hit the playroom and the adults sit back and sip coffee and chat ..... we talk about our lives, China , what books are a great read , how school is going, shopping and anything else that comes up ....

I didn't think it would be until much later that our children would begin to notice how unique our get togethers are and how special their group really is.

Lily's words have stayed with me because they echo one of my greatest hopes for my Chinese daughter.

You see, that in remaining apart of this group, my hope is that Alyana will never feel alone. I want her to always know that she has a group of friends that share a similar story to hers and that these special friends are , in Lily's words " girls just like me Mommy".

October 19, 2008

It's over .....

the baby stage , that is .....

Our little girl is growing up ....

This week she bid farewell to her crib and uttered the following words:

" Take dat big bed downstairs Daddy"

( It was her first long sentence too :)

She has taken up space in the middle of the room on her floor- no crib, just a pull out Dora and Explorer toddler couch, a binky in hand and a smile .....

Wanna know something though ??

She sleeps soooooooo well.

Here she is in her " Doe Doe" pull out couch .....

Silly girl :)

October 17, 2008

Guess where Bugsy and Miss Alycat are heading soon ??

I'll give you a big earred hint ....

( it's only taking their Mommy 40 years to finally visit the big guy ....haha).

Can't wait ....

I think we're more excited than the kiddies ...

October 14, 2008

Happy Halloween ( well .....almost)
Here are a few pics of my little artists at work ....
I think they did a GREAT job !!
( and no blood or tears were shed).

October 11, 2008

Wow .....BEAUTIFUL weather today :)

Today was a first for us ......our first apple picking adventure as a family of 4.

It was great ....the apples plump, shiny and ready to nibble.

The farm house in the picture is several generations old .....

What a lovely spot and an awesome view of the river valley and all the colors of old man fall ....

Lovely day .....just perfect for apple picking , pumpkin plucking, decorating and ......oh yeah, did I mention decorating ??

October 5, 2008

Happy Fall .....

Here is Alyana's first visit to the pumpkin patch for 2008 ( minus Ben).
His social calendar was waaaaaaay to busy this weekend for pumpkins).

It'll soon be time for baked turkies with all the fixin's and of course,pumpkin pie.

Yuuuummy !

THEN .....

You all know what lies ahead ??

Yup, that's right ....

Christmas ...haha!

I've just started to a bit of shopping and am finding it very very difficult to resist this little fella.

Alyana loves this guy ! ( she calls him Mel Mo)

as for Bugsy , well ...he's into this:

and this ..

Yup....soon it'll be here ......

Can't wait ....( it's my favorite time of the year)