February 21, 2007

Quiet Moments From a Nursery .....

Alyana and Ben are both tucked away so Mommy has some time to blog.

For the first time tonight Alyana allowed Mommy to rock her to sleep and for that I am grateful !!

This is a big deal for me because since she has been home Alyana prefers to play in her crib until she falls asleep and has resisted any attempts to be cuddled at bedtime. Tonight in the quiet of her nursery, I held her and rocked her for a long time after she had actually fallen asleep and just simply looked at her. There is no doubt in my mind that this was the very first time someone has actually rocked my little girl to sleep and the very thought of this gives me pangs of sadness.

Gosh,I cannot believe that she is here with us. She is so beautiful and we are so happy to finally have her home from China. The 17 months of waiting is now thankfully over.

For those waiting families, I wish to say this:

I know how tough it is to wait but please know that your wait time will pass and just like me, you too will have a "nursery moment" in the not too distant future.
You will hold your baby in your arms and watch them gently slip into dreamland.
It will be then, at that exact moment ,that you will feel the memory of this awful wait begin to fade with each passing second and the place in your heart that you have been saving for that special little person will be filled.


Anonymous said...

How wonderful that must have been,sometimes that wait just seems unbearable,it has certainly helped us by following your woderful journey.

On sad and empty feeling days i know i can just click onto your blog,and a smile will always appear.

Thank You!!!
Saint John,NB
lid dec.19th

Neil and Laurie said...

Wow, I love to read and reread your journey! We haven't met but you guys inspire us, and keep us going, it is going to be a long wait so we will live vicariously through you!! Thank you!
Take care and enjoy! Laurie

RoLo said...

Thank you Thank you Thank you for the wonderful words of encouragement. It helps so much to have encouragement advise tips from families who have been to China & back:)

wingepr said...

What a wonderful post! I'm sure that moment was a true blessing. May your life together be filled with many more.

We've just started our long wait.
Peggy Winge

Alyson and Ford said...

Thank you for the encouraging words.
It will probably end up being a 22 month wait for us. I am getting older by the day!

Love your blog, will visit again.

Alyson (also known as "Aly")