Well, it's the end of the school year ( yet again) and our little man will now be heading into Grade three.
Gosh, where does the time go ?
It seems like yesterday that he was a babe !
I did something this week that I have never done.
I went on a school trip with his class.
It was so much fun!
I can't believe that I hadn't done it before .....
The kids roasted marshmallows, hiked in the woods, searched for bugs , swan, ran, rough housed and laughed .......
It was the BEST !!!
On Saturday ....Alyana and I went to a birthday party at Angela and Rachel's. Miss Rachel turned three ! It was lovely and all of the little ones ( along with the the China sisters) were dressed in black and white ....
Panda's surrounded the room ....yes, panda cookies, panda teddy bears and of course, Angela famous yummy panda cakes ...
Just the best ...
We finished off the day with attending our nephew, Nick's, GRAD party ....
For some reason, I didn't snap a picture of Nick ...tsk ..tsk ....
I did get a picutre of Alyana hangin ' out at the snack table ....
Notice the tip toes ?? That girl knows how to get to the food ...:)
I think summer is here folks .....
What the heck took it so long ??
Yes summer is finally here,that beautiful sunshine and warm temps. are great..love it!
All your pictures are great and all three get togethers sound very fun,glad to here you guys are enjoying your days.we will have to get together soon.
Yay Summer! Looks like you guys have been busy and having a great time. As always, Angela's cake and cookies looked awesome!
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