It has been awhile since we've all been together.
It was wonderful seeing everyone.
I just can't say that enough :)
Wow .....the kids sure have grown. They are all so special and amazingly beautiful.
Krista over at Parenting Cubed shared a terrific story with us (one in which has stayed with me since our last visit). I hope you don't mind me sharing it Krista :)
Krista said that over the past few weeks, her daughter Lily kept asking her when she was going to see "the girls" again ....
At first Krista said she didn't quite know who Lily was referring to and then when she finally asked her " Lily,what girls are you talking about?".
Lily reply was this .....
" the girls like me Mommy".
Neat, huh ?
When we get together on play dates, the kids generally hit the playroom and the adults sit back and sip coffee and chat ..... we talk about our lives, China , what books are a great read , how school is going, shopping and anything else that comes up ....
I didn't think it would be until much later that our children would begin to notice how unique our get togethers are and how special their group really is.
Lily's words have stayed with me because they echo one of my greatest hopes for my Chinese daughter.
You see, that in remaining apart of this group, my hope is that Alyana will never feel alone. I want her to always know that she has a group of friends that share a similar story to hers and that these special friends are , in Lily's words " girls just like me Mommy".