Happy Valentine's Day Everyone !
Here's a pic of our valentines breakfast ....pancakes with chocolate chips .....
Yummy :)
What's v-day without chocolate for breakie ??
Speaking of chocolate,
Fletcher managed to devour the first lot of chocolate that I had purchased for the kids at the beginning of the week.
He lived to tell about it too ....with lots of tummy gurgling !!
I didn't realize that dogs should NOT have chocolate as it is dangerous.
Poor guy!
The good news if that he's back to his ole' self ....
See for yourself ....
He doesn't look so bad .....
So far in his 6 short years, he has fought off a beaver gone berserk, wrestled with a moving car (only to sustain a pretty bad break), came home with a nose full of porcupine quills to gorging his guts on 20 bucks of chocolate a couple of days ago.
God bless his pancreas!
This pic was taken a few minutes ago .....looks like he's resting for his next adventure , huh ??
Hmmmmmm .........I wonder what he'll do next ?
Happy Valentine's Day everyone :)
"May your bellies be full of chocolate and your hearts filled with love!" as quoted by yours truly.
Poor Fletcher!! Hope he's feeling better!!
Everytime I check Sugar's kennel, I find left over chocolate foil wrappers.. and I have yet to figure out where's she getting it from... hmmmm
Happy Heart Day
The pancakes look yummy! Glad your doggy is ok.
Hope poor pup is feeling better soon...lol!Your Breakie looks yummmmmyyyyyyyyyyyyyy!!!!!!!!!!
Oh your beautiful dog Fletcher looks so much like my golden, Jake!
So glad he is ok...yes, chocolate can be fatal for dogs.
Very nice blog!
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