March 31, 2007

Aly and Her China Sisters

A few days ago Alyana and I were invited to attend a playdate with some of the little girls that have come to live in N.B from China. Some of these little ones have only been home for a week !

It was, without a doubt , a well enjoyed AM. I hope we get together again soon.

Thanks so much Krista for organizing this. You were a graceful hostess.

What a wonderful bunch of Mommies !!

Here are a few snapshots Aly and her China Sisters.

Just hit Click To Play and you can view our special day.

Lucky Number 7

Today we celebrated Ben's birthday.

It was a fun filled busy afternoon . The kids dined on cheese pizza, icecream cake, and ran off their sugar highs with a fast game or two of lazer tag.

Miss Aly attended too and spent some quality time with her Grammy and Papa while Mom and Dad kept a head count of the youngsters in our care.

Here are a few slides of the fun day.

March 28, 2007

Dancing Princess ....

Alyana is such a happy little girl.

A few nights ago, we had settled her into bed ( we thought for a good 12 hours) but after a two hour "power snooze" she was ready to get up and party.

Doesn't look like a little girl that is ready for bed, does it ?

March 26, 2007

Now that is what I call relaxed !

March 25, 2007

Bubbles ......

It's that time of the week again for the FRIDAY photo challenge ( yes, I realize that it's Sunday) but this week's challenge was a tough one.

You see, the challenge was to capture photos with Bubbles and those little soap suds did not want to cooperate with this Mommy's camera.

It was a fun one though!

The kids had a good time although by the end of the weekend they were all "bubbled out" !

Check out the other entries Donna's Double Happiness Blog.

March 24, 2007

Pretty in Pink ...

Miss Aly and Mommy went to a birthday party today while the boys stayed home to do "man stuff".

We had a terrific time and Miss Aly looked divine in her pretty party dress.

Take a peek and see for yourself ....

March 23, 2007

Gosh, can you believe it ??
We have had a busy week, and have spent the week playing with cousins,
visiting the school ,
going for walks and attending storytime at the library.
Aly is the oldest little one at storytime and tends to "plow over" the other babes. Good thing she isn't as big as some of the others.
Yesterday she decided to sit on a 6 month old's lap during storytime.
Silly girl ....
Oh yes, one very important young man turns 7 very soon so we are getting ready to celebrate the Big 7 in fine style here
Our little man is growing up !

March 21, 2007

With Your Beautiful Eyes

I hope with your beautiful eyes that you will see a world full of morning magic , evening wonder, a place full of vibrant colors and pulsating sounds and all the hues of the rainbow...

I hope with your beautiful eyes that you will see the world as a place for wide-eyed dreams and long-cherished memories ...

I hope with your beautiful eyes that you will see that life can be absolutely fantabulistic and yes, expialidocious, too!

I hope with your beautiful eyes that you will see life treating you well.

I hope with your beautiful eyes that you will see first hand the sheer joy of discovery, the excitement of learning ,the pleasures of sights and sounds, of touch and smell of taste and sensation and of feelings and friends.
I hope with your beautiful eyes that you will see that the world can be a charming place, full of warmth and loveliness.

I hope with your beautiful eyes that there is no looking back,
only looking forward into a future that waits for you.

Got Milk ??

March 20, 2007

Cousins are Cool ...

We spent Sunday afternoon with the some of the cousins. Ben and Aly met two of them for the very first time and enjoyed themselves very much !

Yep, our kids have some pretty cool cousins !

March 19, 2007

Super Girl .....

Ben placed one of his super hero's capes on Aly last night and she transformed into a very busy super hero ( ess) that wanted to play a few games of peek a boo !

Here she is "saving the day" (on video) ....

March 16, 2007

Tootsies .....

It's that time of the week again ( FRIDAY) and what better way to celebrate than to take part in the FFFF Challenge from Donna's Double Happiness Blog.

This week's topic is FEET.

Both of my kiddies have very busy feet and Alyana's tootsies are getting busier by the hour.
These are a few snapshots of the most lovable, kissable tootsies in cyberspace!

Ya Gotta Wear Shades ....

I just have to post these pictures of the kids cause' I think they are just too funny.

They make me laugh out loud.

But, hey, I'm easily amused.

March 15, 2007

My Boys

I have spent most of my posts talking and showing pictures of Aly so today, I decided to post some pics of the two favorite men in my life.

I fell in love with these two boys ( quite literally) at first sight, one was 12 years old and the other was two days old.

I am so blessed to have them both in my life.

They hold my heart in the palm of their hands.

March 14, 2007

Diamonds are a girl's best friend

Look who has diamonds in her ears.

Shelley , a good pal of mine, and I took a trip to the jewelery store and had Miss Aly's ears pierced tonight.

It took 10 seconds , less than a minute of tears and a grape lollipop and all was right with the world.

Yeah, I know , I'll be battling with her when she is 16 and wanting to pierce her nose but you do have to admit, she looks BEAUTIFUL with those little sparkling earlobes.

The Before Picture

Aly picking out her new jewels

Yes, she is vain but if you were that cute, you'd be admiring yourself too !

This is Shelley holding Aly before "Operation Earlobes".

I know, I was a wimp and couldn't watch !

The After Picture

All done !

( by the way, this is her first lollipop)

Getting your ears pierced is a very tiring job.

March 13, 2007

FFFF Challenge-Hands !

I thought I'd finally take a shot at participating in a FFFF Challenge from Donna's Double Happiness Blog.

This week's topic is HANDS.

Hands are a very busy body part in this house, whether they be used to eat with , draw with, pat the kitty or dog with , blow kisses with, explore with, climb with or build lego with, one thing is for certain, they are on the move all of the time.

They are also used to hug with. It just so happens that Alyana began to hug Mommy back this week ( before I was doing all of the work). Now, she even pats my on the back with her sweet little hands when she is hugging.

It feels great !

Here are some pictures of this Mommy's favorite hands.

March 12, 2007

Our Morning Sunshine .....

March 11, 2007

One of our travel mates sent us this picture of Alyana. It was taken about a week after we first met Aly.

Gosh, we can't believe that she was so tiny. It's amazing what lots of love and good food can do to a little girl !

This is Aly in Jan /2007

This is Alyana at the end of Feb/2007

This is Alyana with her size 12 months trousers rolled up a few notches !

We are quite sure that this will always be a common fashion statement for this little lady cause' she is so petite.

Of course, I couldn't finish this post without a pic of our favorite boy !

What a handsome dude !

March 10, 2007

Miss Aly

Here is Miss Aly, two months and two days after Gotcha Day !

Stylin' Chick, don't think ?

Just look at those chubby cheeks !!

Good Morning World!

This is how she wakes up every morning ( probably has something to do with the fact that breakfast is on it's way)

March 8, 2007

The Year Of The Piggy

Our cat, Jingles, is enjoying the year of the pig.

In fact, we found him sleeping with one today.


They look awful comfy, don't they ?


Now, this is Jingles after we interrupted his slumber party

He doesn't look amused.
The pig looks content though !

March 5, 2007

When life gets busy .....

Sometimes you just have to stop
what you are doing,
put your feet up
take a deep breath
inhale the quietness of the moment.

March 3, 2007

Winter Fun

It was a BEAUTIFUL day here in New Brunswick today and we spent most of it outdoors enjoying the weather.

I think we tuckered Miss Aly out because no sooner did we have her in the door that she gulped down a bottle and decided to visit dreamland again.

The boys are out doing " man stuff" (as Ben calls it) and Mommy is enjoying the peace and quiet.

Here are a few pics ( yes, condensed into a scrapbook page).

March 2, 2007

When we first adopted Ben, I started a scrapbook ( life book ) and kept it updated for a long time. After awhile, I fell off the "scrap booking wagon" and the amount of pictures I had continued to grow and grow and grow.
I seriously have MOUNTAINS of pictures!
I'm in need of an intervention ....
Just ask hubby .....
I just have to get to work and organize them.
I found a scrap booking CD at a store last year and have been playing around with it a bit lately.
Hence the uploaded image titled Our Little Angels .
I know ....I know your applause's breathtaking isn't it ? Eat your heart out Martha Stewart !
Most of my pics are stored on the Computer so I have no excuse.
Time to get busy.
Besides, I have 2 scrap books to tackle now.
Wish me luck .....
For those that are interested in creating lifebooks, there is a yahoo group called Scrap China that gives lots of scrap booking ideas. It can be found here :
There is also another yahoo group that I belong to called China Lifebooks. It can be found here:
They are worth taking a peek at and they have some greats ideas.