July 23, 2008

Man ..... summer is just flying by !!

Can't believe it's almost the end of July.

That much closer to vacation ....

Woo Hoo !

We FINALLY got out in our boat this week and spent some time on our new tube. Ben made the maiden voyage and almost disappeared outta site into the river.
He got the hang of it quickly and talked his Mom into jumping on with him.
I really don't like water, can't swim and hate to get dunked ....however, I didn't want my boy to think I was a big wimp so I hopped on!!

It was sooooo much fun .....

Alyana played "watch man" to make sure we didn't fall into the river ...

Can't wait to go again :)
Check out the pics !
IceCream shots first though ....:)

July 13, 2008

Spent yet another busy weekend ... ( but I'm not complaining)

I think I took at least 100 pictures :)

Pool parties, spending time with Grammy and Papa at the lake and building gardens and tree houses in the yard.

We even had the pleasure of bumping into Jackie and spent a few moments chatting with her and her little beauty Miss Hannah. ( I think she is from the same province as Miss Meaghan, Dianne).

I've included a pic of the girls and two very proud Mommies :)

I've also included some pics of our backyard project ....

JP ..you are the best !

Awesome weather .....not too hot, not too cool .....just right ....

Can't wait for it to start all over again !

Come on Friday !!

July 7, 2008

We spent a fantastic weekend with the kids.

We swam, canoed and kayaked, ate smores, sat by a crackling campfire and hung out with family.
Yes, summer 2008 is starting out just fine indeed !
The weather was perfect and Miss Alyana handled an 5 hour canoe ride really well! She even braved the water with her Mommy on a inner tube!
Ben and his favorite cousin Camilla spent a good chunk of their time floating in the water as well ( that is when they weren't swimming or fishing).

July 2, 2008

Hope your Canada day was filled with friends, family and fun.

We decided to celebrate Canada's number one holiday at the local fair.
Cotton candy, candy apples,hotdogs and RIDES ( in that order).

Tell me something ....why do I subject myself to rides that fill my heart with fear and tie my stomach in knots ??
JP kindly snapped a photo of me " enjoying" the SEA OF TERROR with Bugsy ....
Dear God ....you do not want to know what I was thinking at that exact moment ....
Just between you and me, I prefer the speed of Miss Aly's rides and from the look on her face she does too !

Gosh ,two is a fun age !

Ben and his best pal enjoyed the rides as well.
The bounched between tilt a worlds to spider rides to rifle games and the cotton candy booth!
Everything a young lad could want!

Check out the pics below !

I've also included some action shots of Ben " practicing his gymnastics moves off the downstairs couch".
I would break my hip if I did something like that ....lol

Also, there is a picture of Ben with his new "do" ( On Sunday,he whipped up a batch of homemade hair dye and snuck away to experiment). Thank goodness it washes out.